Sunday, March 20, 2011

Monkeys everywhere!

There were monkeys in my kitchen
They were making quite a mess!
They were jumping on the sofa 
They were all playing chess.

Then in came Mr. Jason 
Who told them all to stop?
But they did not listen
And they all began to hop.

They were monkeys in my kitchen
They were running all about 
When I told them all to leave 
They all began to pout.

I called the police,
I called the FBI,
I called a secret detective
But I’ve know idea why
They all thought I was crazy
They thought I lost my marbles!

Then from the kitchen cupboards
I heard the monkey’s scrambles
When I went to investigate 
I found I was too late!

Monkeys down the halls 
Monkeys on the walls
The monkeys drinking beer
Were looking really queer
Monkeys making eggs
Monkeys chewing Barbie legs
The Monkeys that were cooks 
Were all throwing books
Monkeys eating pencils 
Monkeys breaking pretzels
Monkeys licking stamps
Monkeys breaking lamps.

My brother Dan 
Even saw one
Hanging with a sniper in arm
I told them all to leave
I even said please!

And then within seconds
No more monkeys in my house
No more attacking my mouse
No more monkeys in my hair
No more monkeys anywhere.

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