Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Final Examinations!

final's around as you can see,
toiling and labouring with all my might,
to achieve the star that's ever so bright.

It isn't hard if we've studied,
but knowing teens; i doubt it,
praying to God somehow intensify,
thinking miracles will just pop out of the blue sky.

Everyone seems to know lizard language,
cause in the hall all's looking up for some knowledge,
you'll see weird action and sign from students,
trying to communicate with other students.

To the waste land the marks will go,
if we did our exams just touch and go,
tears will flow, no matter happy or sad,
cause straight a's students are happy like mad.

Now as you can see, i'm really nervous about this,
please God, send some guidance from above to help me with these,
i promise to pray more fervently, if you can help me,
but somehow, will it come true; wondering it made me?


Sunday, April 3, 2011


Don't forget, we are lions!
Thunder, thunder, thunder, thundercats!!! Ho!!!

Me used to see this when i was a small kid.. waiting in front of the television every saturday evening, to watch a marathon of cartoons; from teenage mutant ninja turtles to power rangers. In all those cartoons, Thundercats strikes me hard. I loved the story line, i loved the characters. Their characters were wide ranged too, from twins WilyKat and WilyKit to the old but wisdom advisor, Jaga. Obviously, the storyline is quite expected, the good will prevail over the bad guys; but from my perspective when i was young, it was amazing. Really amazing! the sound effects, the graphics which was quite good for that era and the powers the heroes all have and can obtain throughout their journey for victory.

All in all, i wouldn't mine proclaiming that this is my all time favourite fictional character too date! i would love to watch it over again too!

Thunder, thunder, thunder, thundercats!! Ho!!!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Rebecca Black

Who's Rebecca Black? Why is she so popular?
It's all cause of her single ' Friday '. One of the most hated songs out on the net, no wonder it's so infamous.
A recent statistic on major media sharing site Youtube, shows her video with over a million dislikes! Only 1/10 likes unfortunately too. Critics attacked her for atrocious lyrics, use of auto tuning for her voice, and stupid beat. 
Oh well, only 13, i speak for the majority, we all rather you just stay in junior high and study!

Sincerely, music lovers.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Pirates of the Caribbean

1 of the most anticipated movies ever too be released at press times, POTC has always been the crowd's favourite. 3 installments have been released, with the 4th 1 supposed to be out this May!

The Curse of the Black Pearl

Elizabeth Swann, daughter of the Governor of Port Royal, is kidnapped by the crew of the Black Pearl, led by Captain Hector Barbossa while trying to protect the port from further pirate attacks, in order to lift a curse placed on them after stealing Aztec gold. Blacksmith Will Turner, a childhood friend and secret admirer of Elizabeth, persuades pirate Captain Jack Sparrow to help him in the rescue of her.

Dead Man's Chest

Lord Cutler Beckett, a powerful and ruthless East India Trading Co. agent, arrests Will and Elizabeth for aiding Jack Sparrow's escape in the previous film. Beckett, however, offersclemency if Will agrees to search for Sparrow and his magical compass. At the same time, Sparrow tries to release himself from an old debt with villainous Davy Jones by finding theDead Man's Chest which he can use to command Jones to do what he wants.

At World's End

Lord Cutler Beckett gains power over Davy Jones, and with the help of Jones' ship, The Flying Dutchman, he is now executing his plans to extinguish piracy forever. To stand against the East India Trading Co., Will, Elizabeth, Barbossa, and the crew of the Black Pearl goes to rescue Jack Sparrow from Davy Jones' Locker, because he is one of the Nine Pirate Lords needed to summon an ancient goddess.

On Stranger Tides

Captain Jack Sparrow crosses paths with a woman from his past, and he is unsure whether it is love—or if she is a ruthless con artist who is only using him to find the fabled Fountain of Youth. When she forces him aboard the Queen Anne's Revenge, the ship captained by the formidable pirate Blackbeard, Jack finds himself on an unexpected adventure in which he does not know who to fear more: Blackbeard or his former flame.

Honestly, i don't find it amazing or what, just an OK film. but oh well, that's my 2 cents of advice. My sister loves it. My friends love it. just not me. blimey. Hoping to watch the fourth 1 soon, hope it won't dissapoint me!

Monkeys everywhere!

There were monkeys in my kitchen
They were making quite a mess!
They were jumping on the sofa 
They were all playing chess.

Then in came Mr. Jason 
Who told them all to stop?
But they did not listen
And they all began to hop.

They were monkeys in my kitchen
They were running all about 
When I told them all to leave 
They all began to pout.

I called the police,
I called the FBI,
I called a secret detective
But I’ve know idea why
They all thought I was crazy
They thought I lost my marbles!

Then from the kitchen cupboards
I heard the monkey’s scrambles
When I went to investigate 
I found I was too late!

Monkeys down the halls 
Monkeys on the walls
The monkeys drinking beer
Were looking really queer
Monkeys making eggs
Monkeys chewing Barbie legs
The Monkeys that were cooks 
Were all throwing books
Monkeys eating pencils 
Monkeys breaking pretzels
Monkeys licking stamps
Monkeys breaking lamps.

My brother Dan 
Even saw one
Hanging with a sniper in arm
I told them all to leave
I even said please!

And then within seconds
No more monkeys in my house
No more attacking my mouse
No more monkeys in my hair
No more monkeys anywhere.

Saturday, March 5, 2011


Forgiveness from me is futile.
You deceived me.
You misled me.
You're conceited.
I should have known.
In simple terms, you lied to me.

You were never in this with all your heart.
You were never going to give it your all.
You gave me false hope.
You gave me false happiness.
And you very well know how weak i am deep down inside.

Smashed. Trashed. Destroyed.
Thats' all game terms for you?
You can't take it back now.
Don't flatter yourself.
Your not going far in life.
That's my promise for you.
Try to survive this dreadful world.
You can't redeem yourself anymore too.
I won't be here trying to help you up back.
I won't be here for you to have a shoulder to cry on.
I have past on from you, for my shoulder longs for someone else now.

For i have now past the point of returning.
For i have now past the point of forgiving.
For i have now past the point of remembering everything from you.

Now i live for the future.
Now i look for a better option.
I'll forget about you.
And now, to break this link that connects us.
I forgive you, for the weak can never forgive, its the attribute of the strong.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Maroon 5

Not a big fan of them, but somehow i do listen to their songs every now and then.  I can only remember those famous ones, like she will be loved, this love, makes me wonder and a couple of other titles too.
They had a modest rise in the music industry, failing at their first album, before rising drastically with the coming albums. They too had their share of members leaving, citing injuries sustained from excessive tours. 

Their band were formerly known as Kara's Flowers, before they changed to Maroon 5. Formed during their schooling times, the band has been going strong after nearly going for a break. Now , they have many chart topping singles; not only in UK, but in the many other countries as well.

Here's a couple of their top singles :

That's all for now. Farewell!